How tall do I have to be?
I have only to be as tall
As my recent prayer
When I see my God most clearly...
while on my bended knee.
Diane Stirling-Stevens
I get tired of unhappy stories on television. I get tired of reading blogs that do nothing but complain. I like happy stories; happy talk - positive input. So, that's what this blog is about...
Posted by HAPPY IN NEVADA at 2:11 PM
When I do this, I buy the sponge brushes used for painting your home. There are a variety of widths; I bought a 3" wideCards stock is easily available; use poster paints for the children.
set of 3 for $1.00 at Wal-mart.
Go outside - a picnic table for painting andGet a few ideas here:
for a super lunch at home that mom makes!